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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to many frequently-asked questions about International Accreditation Association of Professional Certification and the IAAPC web. If you cannot find the information you are seeking, please send an E-mail to our service office.


How do I apply to International Accreditation Association of Professional Certification?

The Office of Accreditation provides all certification information and materials as well as an online application. The Introduction to IAAPC website also helps introduce prospective applicant to the association. For additional questions, e-mail

Where can I find contact information for President, faculty and staff?

IAAPCWho is Stanford's official online directory. Other useful sites include the IAAPC Linear Accreditation Center's phone directory.

Also available is a list of frequently needed phone numbers and addresses, which can help you contact headquarters.

What is IAAPC's Central address?

The primary address for Stanford is:
  International Accreditation Association of Professional Certification (IAAPC)
  Alhambra, CA 91803

How can I find a job at IAAPC?

Our job fair office provides job lists to applicants, open staff positions and benefits information. Open faculty positions are listed by Association.

Are there any academic-oriented summer programs for high school and college students?

IAAPC's Summer Session offers programs both for high school and college students. The Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) offers both residential and online programs for middle-school and high-school students. 

What online/distance education or Accreditation courses does IAAPC offer?

The IAAPC offers distance education classes (Certificate Only) in a range of subjects, including Management, Financial, Arts and Designing, Technology, and so on.

What other continuing studies opportunities are available?

IAAPC offers various opportunities for lifelong learning. Continuing Studies schedules a broad range of courses, seminars and workshops for people in the US Area. More information please Click .

Where should I go for other technical assistance? provides technical support to the Association community.

Who can I contact if I have a question or comment about this website?

Contact the who maintains this website.